Latest fromSuper City

Size of Super City boards worries leaders
A proposal for large local boards in the Super City is causing anxiety among Auckland mayors and community leaders.

Banks hails new Super City structure – Labour opposes
Auckland Mayor John Banks calls the city's new local government structure "an inspired piece of work".

Pay rise for city's CEO 5 times what staff given
$35,000 increase stuns Manukau councillor, but mayor says it's based on chief's contract.

Banks looks to Sydney for wharf inspiration
Auckland City Mayor John Banks has looked to the Sydney Opera House to illustrate his vision to be the first "Mayor for Greater Auckland".

Wharf development up in the air
The options for Queen's Wharf are a new design with the "wow factor" or temporarily sprucing it up for the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

Queens Wharf design expectations too high, says designer
The Queens Wharf upgrade is a mismatch between expectation set up by the public and what can be reasonably achieved within the budget of $47 million, says one Auckland architect.

Banks ready to scrap wharf plans
Auckland City Mayor John Banks is considering canning the Queens Wharf upgrade

Super City structure revealed but job losses unclear
Council staff employed in planning, policy and strategy are most likely to lose their jobs in the Auckland council amalgamation.

Super City structure to be revealed today
The Auckland Transition Authority will release details of the new Super City's structure to council chief executives today.

ARC chief savages Queens Wharf contest 'flop'
The Queens Wharf design contest is a flop, says Auckland Regional Council chairman Mike Lee.

Wharf design contest fails to win over public
Design professionals and Aucklanders are unimpressed with the designs for Queens Wharf.