Maths skills fall with new method
Schoolchildren have got worse at basic arithmetic skills since the introduction of new teaching methods designed to lift the country's poor performance in maths.
Schoolchildren have got worse at basic arithmetic skills since the introduction of new teaching methods designed to lift the country's poor performance in maths.
International students returning from China are being denied entry and having their visas cancelled because they have not made good progress on their courses.
Hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders will be hit in the pocket by sweeping changes to student loan repayments on April 1.
The return of students to Auckland has some in the property sector picking a rise in demand and prices for rental properties.
Waikohu Ranginui is not your usual high school student.
Nine New Zealand students have aced an internationally recognised exam by scoring 100 per cent in a subject, an extremely difficult feat.
More than 100 students are being offered counselling after witnessing a young man fall to his death in the atrium at the University of Auckland.
Food programmes for hungry Kiwi schoolchildren may soon get a boost from the Government to top off an overwhelming public response to recent media appeals.
Will parents be able to choose the right school using National Standards data, which even the Prime Minister admits is "ropey"?
188 schools have not been included in official National Standards information after failing to provide the right details.
A handful of schools are holding out on releasing National Standards to the Minister of Education as the first round of data is made public.
An elite school plans to send Year 13 students away to camp next year - for the entire year.
A higher birth rate and an ageing workforce mean hundreds of teachers could be needed to meet a staff shortage as school rolls surge over the next decade.