Pronunciation of 'flour' driving internet nuts
Footage from a cooking show has left viewers baffled.
Footage from a cooking show has left viewers baffled.
Thomas Markle: "I'm a footnote in one of the greatest moments in history".
If you don't follow Corby on Instagram you really are missing out.
The man was not familiar with his own grandson because he had just moved to the city.
Despite the heat they weren't allowed to wear shorts. Then these builders had an idea...
It was the murder mystery that was solved on social media. But there was just one problem.
A packet of Mentos or your trusty pocket knife are ill-advised options to store here.
Concerns were raised over the mother and nurse's "basic parenting skills".
Woman warns consumers after Kmart product 'explodes' sending pieces of glass flying.
The 'bitter' sister has launched another tirade against the Duchess of Sussex.
A medical centre posted a sign that outraged a patient, who posted it on social media.
After messaging the man nearly 65,000 times this is her bizarre explanation.
Firefighters are being trained to assist when the flames of passion get out of control.
Have your say: Do you hear the word "Yanny" or "Laurel"?
Twiglet was booked solid at Cambridge and left unwilling to be taken for walks.
This smart doggo has created his own currency that he uses, successfully, to buy treats.
The woman thought she bought a Japanese spitz from a pet shop.
For years Kendra Jackson thought her runny nose and headaches were due to allergies.
A woman who moved back in with parents after attending 20 weddings is labelled a "fool".
He walked a huge distance to find his owners again - they wanted nothing to do with him.
After his relationship with a 77-year-old ended, Gary, 19, found love with Almeda, 72.
An April Fool's joke has turned into a high demand nappy changing business.
A supermarket will introduce touch-free packaging for people afraid to handle raw meat.
She was charged a $1.99 processing fee and threatened with "additional penalty fees".
A naked cleaning company has revealed customers don't want young, slender women.
Officials in three states are working to untangle the horrific chain of events.
You asked for it: Here's where you can get the best mince and cheese pie in Auckland.
The instructor just wanted to create a bit more of a "vibe" at a Devonport Zumba class.
What is in everything yet is rarely spotted?
Lawyer says the crime was committed out of trio's craze for buses.