Latest fromStrange But True

Mystery lights spotted in sky
Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty have been a hotbed of unusual aerial activity, with multiple sightings of strange phenomena in the region's skies.

Eel inquiry a 'witch-hunt'
Auckland Hospital staff have been called to disciplinary hearings in the breach-of-privacy case involving the man who had an eel removed from inside him.

Romney face tattoo stays put
Backing a losing political candidate can be hard enough, but one Mitt Romney supporter has a permanent reminder of the Republican's failed presidential bid.

The 'Kiwiest Kiwi of all Kiwis'
Wanganui-based plumber Daniel McKechnie felt "like a kid at Christmas" after being told he was the "Kiwiest of all Kiwis".

Shrek makes a comeback. Kind of
Since the death of celebrity sheep Shrek in June 2011, a Queenstown taxidermist has been inundated with inquiries into the status of his most high-profile "client".

Boo! Best Halloween photos
Take a look at a selection of our favourite costumes, as people gear up to celebrate Halloween around the world.

Eton Style a viral hit
Students at one of Britain's most prestigious private schools - Eton - have joined the Gangnam Style craze.

Eton Style becomes internet hit
A group of sixth formers from prestigious British school Eton have created an internet smash hit after posting a video parody of the number one hit ‘Gangnam Style’ on YouTube.

Freefall feat in photos
Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner has jumped from the edge of space, attempting to break a series of records that have stood for more than 50 years

National response to mysterious hum
News of mysterious humming sounds in Wellington has prompted a nationwide response to determine its cause.

Driving into the record books - again
Sitting behind the wheel of his bright orange rented campervan, Mike Perham might look like any normal, fresh-faced British backpacker. But he's not.

Eel-up-bum patient's privacy breached
Hospital bosses have launched an investigation into a breach of patient privacy after details of an eel getting stuck up a man's bottom were made public.

Doing time, Gangnam Style
The world renowned dancing inmates are back with their Gangnam Style performance that has instantly gone viral.