Latest fromStrange But True

Soulmates forever entwined
When Arthur Hoffman passed away in his sleep, his beloved wife of 69 years couldn't bear it. Two days later, Paddy Hoffman also slipped away.

Hot new Hamburglar - sexy or creepy?
McDonald's have brought back the hungry Hamburglar - however he has escaped his comical form and taken on the role of a "hot" suburban dad.

Royal baby weirdest tribute
Princess Charlotte is less than a week old and the memorabilia is already rolling in. The latest tribute - a pizza portrait of the royal family.

Mag printed with HIV blood
A men’s magazine has printed its latest issue using ink infused with HIV-positive blood in a bid to break the taboo associated with the disease.

Can emoji be a real language?
Fred Benenson, the visionary who gave you "Emoji Dick," is trying to turn emoji into a bona fide language.

China pushing pigs off a bridge
Tourism official comes up with novel way of entertaining visitors, by creating show featuring "flying" pigs. But not everyone is entertained. Warning: Photos may be upsetting.

Mayor's awkward toilet break
The mayor of Georgetown, Texas, has a thing or two to learn about modern technology.

Pole dance duo head-to-head
A pole dancing couple will become rivals this weekend in a battle of grace versus strength.

World's most popular emojis
You're most likely to get a skull emoji from an American pal, Brazilians use a lot of cats while Aussies mostly send the digital drinks.

Has Google found Nessie?
Google has used its Street View cameras to search for the Loch Ness Monster - and one picture in particular will attract the attention of Nessie hunters.

Work of art, by accident
Paul Currie accidentally used a broad-spectrum herbicide to treat his grass, prompting his neighbours to think he had been targeted by vandals.

Earthworms rain on Norway
Hundreds of earthworms that were lifted by upcurrents of wind appeared to "rain down" on Norway this week.

When you tattoo yourself, drunk
The image posted to Reddit shows an uneven and patchy black lizard-esque creature that is apparently supposed to be a rendition of Charmander, the fire Pokemon.

Lost pup on a neighbour's roof
In a move more befitting of a feline, a lost pooch has turned up in an elevated position.

Mysterious smoke ring in Kazakh sky
Eerie footage has emerged from Kazakhstan that shows a mysterious black circle move above a village in the north of the country.

Why did this pic go viral? Look closely
Brazilian Nelson Felippe posted a photo on his Facebook page on Tuesday, and it’s since been shared thousands of times.

Girl addicted to eating carpet
Four-year-old Jessica Knight suffers from Pica syndrome, a rare medical disorder that leads to an appetite for non-nutritious substances.

Burger proposes to King
Burger and King even revealed they plan to serve drinks in personalised Burger King cups, if the eatery will allow.

Albert Einstein or Marilyn Monroe?
For all those who just about got their heads around THAT dress, the internet has thrown another curve ball. This optical illusion could tell you if you need glasses.

NZ streets turned into Pac Man
An Easter Egg in Google Maps allows you to play the classic Atari game on your city's streets.

Tiny Toudi is the smallest Chihuahua in the world
He is 12 weeks old, 7cm tall and weighs just 300g. Meet tiny Toudi who is believed to be the world's smallest Chihuahua.

Tower burns in 'celebration' (+ photos)
The tower was so strikingly beautiful, many visitors expressed disbelief it was to be destroyed. But its designer said that had to be the artwork's destiny.

Freaky dish brings squid to life
A freaky video of a cuttlefish dish in Japan has resurfaced and it's just as terrifying.

Post penis lollies to enemies
A new anonymous service has been set up allowing users to send a bag of edible gummy penises to "that special someone" anywhere in the world.

Burger King to launch a Flame-Grilled fragrance
Burger King to launch Flame-Grilled, a fragrance inspired by the Whopper - but it's out on April's Fools Day.

Kiwi builds the world's tiniest drill?
A Kiwi has used 3D printing to create what could be the world’s smallest drill.

Baby names on the brink of 'extinction'
A list of baby names which were previously considered to be among the most popular are on the verge of dying out altogether, after falling out of favor with parents.

What's with this neckline?
A green jacket worn by an Australian newsreader causing a stir on social media after her phallic shaped neckline was pointed out.

'It's a shocker' - John Key's nail fail
John Key's hopeless handyman skills have become an internet phenomenon after his self-confessed “shocker” on the campaign trail.