Latest fromStatistics NZ

Pay packets feel the squeeze of recession
Wages growth remained feeble in the September quarter as the recession took its toll on pay packets.

House consents rise as commercial slumps
New building consent figures point to signs of recovery in house building but show the non-residential sector sinking further into a slump.

Kiwis satisfied with life in New Zealand
The vast majority of New Zealanders are happy with their lives, according to a new survey.

Broadband use soars to 1.1m subscribers
Broadband subscriber numbers rose 27 per cent in the 15 months to June to 1.1 million, Statistics New Zealand (SNZ) says.

The young divorcees
Kiwis in their 20s now have the highest divorce rate of any age group. What's going wrong?

Figures point to 'soft' recovery in building activity
The number of new building consents issued in August has risen, possibly pointing to a "soft" recovery in the building market.

August building consents up
August recorded the most new housing consents in nearly a year, says Statistics New Zealand.

Kiwi dollar falls on rumours of Reserve Bank intervention
The NZ dollar drops after rumours of a Reserve Bank intervention and a statement from the US Federal Reserve.

Kiwi dollar falls after Fed statement
The NZ dollar fell away sharply from around 6.30am today, with the decline coming soon after a statement from the US Federal Reserve.