Latest fromStatistics NZ
Electronic card use back on the rise
Transactions using electronic cards rose 0.7 per cent for retail industries in November from a month earlier, mainly due to a rise in vehicle fuel sales.
House building plummets 40pc in two years
The amount of residential building work put in place has fallen by almost 40 per cent since the most recent peak.
Construction out of the mire as housing consents rise
Building consents were up 11 per cent in October.
Record number of deaths in NZ
The year ending in September had the second highest number of deaths in NZ in recorded history after the year to September 2008.
Producers' prices fall as dairy prices soar
Producers' output and input prices fell in the September quarter.
Ski season helps visitor numbers creep up
The number of people staying in commercial accommodation is recovering but is still below levels seen before the financial crisis hit.
House consents rise as commercial slumps
New building consent figures point to signs of recovery in house building but show the non-residential sector sinking further into a slump.
Kiwis satisfied with life in New Zealand
The vast majority of New Zealanders are happy with their lives, according to a new survey.
Tourism loses top foreign earnings crown
Tourism has lost its title as the nation's biggest export earner, falling behind the dairy sector.
Broadband use soars to 1.1m subscribers
Broadband subscriber numbers rose 27 per cent in the 15 months to June to 1.1 million, Statistics New Zealand (SNZ) says.
The young divorcees
Kiwis in their 20s now have the highest divorce rate of any age group. What's going wrong?