Latest fromStatistics NZ

NZ retail sales stronger than expected
Retail sales rose a seasonally and inflation adjusted 1.3pc in the June quarter, better than expected by economists.

NZ's most common family? Couples without children
Couples without children are expected to overtake two-parent families as the most common household formation by next year, according to Statistics NZ.

NZ guest nights fall 6pc in May
A 10pc fall in the number of nights New Zealanders spent in short term commercial accommodation in May, led to an overall 6pc fall in total guest nights.

Migration shrinks to just 250 in May, more Kiwis cross Tasman
Migration dropped to an 18-month low last month as more New Zealanders moved across the ditch.

CEO pay lifts off as profits stagnate
The Business Herald's executive pay survey shows the number of chief executives being paid more than $1 million jumped from 26 to 32 between 2008 and 2009.

Department store sales lead April retail slump
New Zealand retail sales fell in April, led by department stores, where sales fell 3.3 per cent.

Export prices soar 10pc as dairy dominates
Dairy prices have risen by a third in the past quarter, dominating a 10.3pc rise in New Zealand's export prices.