Latest fromStatistics NZ

Prices for NZ goods and services up 1.4pc
Prices for goods and services produced in this country rose 1.4 per cent in the June quarter from the previous three months.

Dairy and meat push exports up 4.5pc, dollar dips
New Zealand's trade surplus was $230m in June, missing forecasts and pushing the kiwi dollar down by almost a third of a cent.

Annual inflation at 21-year high
NZ inflation accelerated more than expected in the second quarter, on prices of fuel, food and power, pushing the annual rate to a 21-year high of 5.3 per cent. It increases the prospect of a rate rise later this year.

Economy shows surprising muscle
GDP growth twice as strong as forecasters picked despite earthquake

Economy surges - GDP up 0.8pc
New Zealand's economy kicked off 2011 with a bang, growing at twice the forecast pace and the fastest since December 2009 as a resurgent manufacturing sector drove the nation's revival in the face of Canterbury's earthquakes.

Floods send vege prices soaring
The Queensland floods are being blamed for a massive increase in the cost of tomatoes, capsicums and cucumber during June. While meat, poultry, and fish prices fell from their peak in May, fruit and vege surged...

Tourism operators urged to focus on Oz and Asia
Statistics New Zealand yesterday reported visitor numbers for the year ended May were up 1 per cent to 2.5 million.

Building consents trend hits another record low
The number of new homes approved in April has fallen 32pc from a year earlier, but the rate of decline is easing, says Statistics NZ.

Record April trade surplus revealed - $1.1b
New Zealand recorded a merchandise trade surplus of $1.1b in April, the highest monthly surplus ever recorded, figures released by Statistics New Zealand show.

Desperate seek part-time jobs
Job-hunters desperate to find part-time work are applying in their hundreds for vacancies that pay less than minimum wage.