Latest fromStatistics NZ

Boom times for local software design industry
Computer systems design jobs have surged by nearly 80 per cent since 2000.

Current account deficit widens to $2.8b as trade balance weakens
New Zealand's current account deficit widened in the first quarter - as world dairy prices fell and more fuel was imported.

Revised GDP stats prompt economic growth questions
Statistics New Zealand has made some big revisions to the history of the country's gross domestic product growth figures.

Food prices drop slightly in April
New Zealand food prices fell in April as consumers paid less for soft drinks and supermarket shopping.

Dairy herds boom, sheep numbers keep falling
The New Zealand dairy herd has grown by more than 250,000 in less that two years, says new research published today.

Electronic card spending up in April
Retail spending using debit and credit cards rose in April.

NZ wage inflation slowing, pressure off OCR
New Zealand wage inflation slowed in the first three months of the year.

Kiwi exodus to Australia continues in March
New Zealanders' exodus to Australia continued in March as more kiwis look across the Tasman for a better quality of life