ZM hosts tear up over tragic loss
Honourary member of the ZM team, Karen has passed away.
Honourary member of the ZM team, Karen has passed away.
Kevin Hart practised saying "homai te pakipaki" in an Instagram story.
"You are going to make her walk 900m to save $35 (for parking)...are you joking!?"
John Campbell shares a 'beautiful' friendship with Aussie broadcaster Rove McManus.
"My husband came home this week and said 'did you know that you have a Tinder profile?'"
"I want to embrace the people here (in New Zealand) and try and return the love."
Anna Hutchison has shared stunning photos from her wedding to her long-time partner.
"Boys, speak up with your boys... this is our problem," says ZM host Clint Roberts.
Comedian Kevin Hart has just arrived in Aotearoa to continue his Irresponsible Tour.
Bouchard is one of the biggest names in women's sport.
The 52-year-old is excited to be competing in the next season of Dancing with the Stars.
The biggest star to emerge from the show is one of the models, Gracie Lambert.
LA-based Kiwi producer Fleur Saville and her partner have an Oscar in their sights.
"Dennis from IT was crumping Sharon from accounts and it was so good."
If there's one thing we've learned in 2018, it's that nobody should go after Hilary.
Matt Chisholm says #itsokaytonotbeokay after visiting an Auckland doctor's office.
Fans have applauded her on her hilarious comment to the spiteful viewer, Phil.
Kanoa Lloyd and Jesse Mulligan rewrite the 1944 classic to make more sense in 2018.
Let's just say that the passengers surrounding Laura were not very pleased.
PM Jacinda Ardern has revealed her plans for baby Neve's first Christmas
Val and Gabriel have announced the gender of pēpi number two
The Kiwi superstar was seriously hurt in a totally unexpected acccident
Will it be a merry and peaceful festive season in Ferndale this year? Probably not.
Weight-loss star Simone Anderson opens up about her romantic Queenstown proposal.
What would you do if millions of dollars landed in your account?
Johnson and fiancee Kayla Cullen bought the Mangawhai Heads bach last summer.
The video features a jab at Trump, featuring a red "Make Christmas Great Again" cap.
When it comes to naming their babies, stars tend to choose something a little... unusual.
Coast has become the most popular music station in NZ with listeners aged 30-plus.
"I've loved dancing for as long as I can remember," says newsreader Mike McRoberts.