Latest fromSplore

Live at Splore: Sunday

Live at Splore: Sunday

Join as we bring you sites, sounds, music and interviews from the Splore Festival at Tapapakanga Regional Park in Auckland.

Coverage brought to you by Tiger Beer.

Live at Splore 2014: Saturday

Live at Splore 2014: Saturday

Join as we bring you sites, sounds, music and interviews from the Splore Festival at Tapapakanga Regional Park in Auckland..

Coverage brought to you by Tiger Beer.

Live at Splore 2014: Friday

Live at Splore 2014: Friday

Join as we bring you sites, sounds, music and interviews from the Splore Festival at Tapapakanga Regional Park in Auckland.

Coverage brought to you by Tiger Beer.

Gates open at Splore 2014

Gates open at Splore 2014

Find out what makes Splore special, from the fans who were waiting at the front of the line when the gates opened.

Splore coverage brought to you by Tiger Beer.