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Watchdog savages Telecom after XT outage
An industry watchdog has harsh words for Telecom after a fault disabled its XT network in most parts of the country today.

Telecom's XT network still down south of Taupo
Telecom XT customers needing to contact emergency services are being told to use landlines instead of their cellphones while the network remains down.

Telecom hit with $500,000 penalty
An industry watchdog says there are positive signs Telecom is trying to change its behaviour, despite its $500,000 fine yesterday.

Telecom fined $500,000 for misleading broadband ads
The Commerce Commission has made an example of Telecom.

Herald names NZ's top business leaders
The New Zealand Herald's pick for the New Zealander of the Year business category. Have your say.

<i>Anthony Doesburg:</i> Cellphone newcomer playing a waiting game
Anyone waiting for cellular network newcomer 2degrees to add on-account services to the prepaid plans it launched at the start of August shouldn't hold their breath.

Workplaces set to party up large across the Tasman
Spending on Australian Christmas workplace events is set to soar, but NZ employers are going the other way.