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Angry with Telecom? We'll pay break fee, says Vodafone
Vodafone plans to refund any Telecom customers penalised for switching mobile phone providers.

Govt may review subsidies after latest Telecom outage
Up to $50m of yearly government subsidies to Telecom could be up for review if this morning's 111 outage is found to amount to a substandard service.

Cause of XT outages still unknown, Alcatel says
The cause of four outages to Telecom's XT mobile network since Christmas remain unknown, the head of Alcatel-Lucent says.

Kind words from <i>Top Gear</i> star
Richard Hammond has spoken out about the XT shambles, saying the launch was "good fun" but he hadn't personally tested the service.

XT failures grounds for customers to leave network
Customers wanting to get out of Telecom XT contracts may have grounds to do so - but only if they have been the victim of repeated faults in the network.

XT failure: Cause of outages remains a mystery
Telecom admits it has still not determined the exact cause of its crippling XT network outages.

XT woes starting to hurt shares
More bad press over Telecom's calamity-prone XT network saw the telco giant's stocks take a hit yesterday, with its share price dropping 6c after the resignation of its chief technical officer.

'Here for the tough times' - Telecom CEO won't resign
Paul Reynolds says as CEO, he is there to lead Telecom through the "tough times" - something he could not achieve if he were to resign.

Telecom offers major compensation package after XT failures
Telecom CEO Paul Reynolds says XT technology partner Alcatel is on notice over the network's constant failures, while announcing the company's plan to compensate affected XT customers.

Telecom rivals move quickly to lure away XT users
Vodafone and Two Degrees are launching offers specifically for disgruntled Telecom users in light of recurring disruptions to the XT network.

Telecom's 'lack of process' behind XT failure - expert
Telecom under further pressure despite the resignation today of one of its top executives.

Telecom executive resigns over XT failure
One of Telecom's top executives, chief transformation officer Frank Mount, has resigned as the XT mobile network fiasco claims another scalp.

Govt says little it can do to help XT customers
The Government says there is little it can do to help customers frustrated with Telecom's XT network failures.

Telecom boss to speak on XT outage
Telecom's CEO will today speak about yesterday's XT network outage, which came as the NZ head of the company that built the network announced his resignation.

Boss quits as network goes down ... again
The head of the company that built Telecom's XT network has announced he is leaving the company - as the system collapsed again last night.

Telecom XT customers suffer further outages
Telecom's troubled XT network has suffered another outage this afternoon with customers south of Taupo experiencing major disruption.

Mobile phone regulation rejected by commission
The Commerce Commission, in a split decision, has rejected regulation as a means to reduce the costs of mobile phone calls.