Vodafone offer pushes Commission to regulate
A Vodafone marketing deal has pushed the Commerce Commission to recommend the Govt regulate mobile phone 'termination rates'.
A Vodafone marketing deal has pushed the Commerce Commission to recommend the Govt regulate mobile phone 'termination rates'.
The NZ sharemarket's benchmark index fell to a two-month low today as the escalating debt crisis in Europe stoked fears of a new credit crunch.
Telecom's profits for three months to the end of March have fallen 38 per cent from $159m to $97m.
The Auckland-based telco will report a 47 percent decline in profit and more downbeat news could still come, according to analyst Guy Hallwright.
A low divorce rate shows Kiwis avoid marriage unless they're truly committed, a relationship counsellor said.
Yellow Pages Group chief executive Bruce Cotterill is playing down prospects of a sale as a committee of bankers ponders the future of the company.
Telecom says rumours of up to 2000 people losing their jobs at the company are 'rubbish'.
TelstraClear call centre staff are given time off at work to play rock, paper, scissors and make paper aeroplanes.
Vodafone NZ's market share sank below 50 per cent last year as new kid on the block 2degrees mobile entered the market.