How old is your iPhone? 2degrees reveals shutdown date for 3G network
It follows rivals Spark and One NZ, who have already announced kill dates.
It follows rivals Spark and One NZ, who have already announced kill dates.
Sensitive refurbishment and amalgamation of the buildings takes prize.
Spark, 2degrees strengthen protections to block websites with CSAM content.
Broadcaster says the rise is down to 'rights inflation', highlights new content.
The telco's online sports service is free for its final month of existence.
'This is the result of many people over the years wanting to co-invest with our business.'
'It’s at a whole new level of quality, environmental sustainability and occupier comfort.'
Display models had been ripped out of security sockets.
As Spark updates its data centre, it has learned lessons from adverse weather events.
The telco's three areas of focus in its new strategic blueprint.
'We can now focus on New Zealand 100 per cent of the time.'
Spark is "urgently working" to find the cause of customers being unable to make calls.
The issue seems to be affecting Spark customers nationwide.
The rise and fall of Spark Sport was not as straightforward as it may have appeared.
Kiwi women lead banks, a major airport and are entrepreneurs.
Spark's boss says it shouldn't be on the hook for the whole rebuild bill.
$350m to shareholders. Tower windfall could become politically charged, post-Gabrielle.
Telco boss calls blunder disheartening for crews working 24/7. Telcos offer free data.
A slew of problems, some pandemic-related, seem to have struck another builder.
Troubles hit another builder - just before Christmas.
Formula 1 out of the picture.
Analyst says deal would make sense.
Spark's Connexa shareholding will reduce to 17 per cent.
'It’s really all about the people' - Jolie Hodson
She was appointed to the top job in August 2019, just six months before Covid tipped the world upside down. Video / NZ Herald
Spark allows its people to decide what a commitment to inclusion might look like.
New $15m scheme will cover about 7500 remote households.
But will the new system be gamed? UK firm reappointed over locals.