Ask Phoebe: Bus lanes free outside hours
Phoebe Falconer answers our readers' questions about transport or any other Auckland issue.
Phoebe Falconer answers our readers' questions about transport or any other Auckland issue.
Telecom and Chorus are having their first big squabble since they split up, with the phone and internet company complaining to regulators over its former network.
The Government has thrown its backing - but not its money - behind a mobile phone recycling programme.
Free to air TV networks are holding urgent talks with Hollywood studios after revelations Slingshot is offering easy internet access to shows they have paid for.
Telecom's $20 million name change will happen on August 8 and within months Spark will replace the existing branding at 70 stores, 8000 retailers and on 3000 payphones.
Telecom has shone a light on its new TV service but is not saying when it will start.
Phone companies have revealed the extent of Govt agency spying on their networks, with more than 70 secret wire taps last year in New Zealand alone.
Telecom says more details of its online television service are "close" and will be unveiled before the company changes its name to Spark in August.
Telecom has suffered a massive technical fault today, with many of its systems - including its own corporate website - down for most of the day.
Telecom Corp, the country's biggest telecommunications company, has trimmed the size of a banking facility, while pushing out its maturity date until 2017.
Telecom says it will ditch the name of its soon-to-launch internet television service, ShowmeTV, after two companies with similar brand names raised concerns.
Telecom believes a problem affecting a small part of its North Island broadband network has been resolved.
So Telecom is to become Spark, launch ShowMeTV and become "the Netflix of New Zealand", writes Chris Barton. What a confusing confluence.
The NZX will run out of steam unless companies, particularly the larger ones, can take advantage of the stronger economy, writes Brian Gaynor.
Telecom has unveiled a partnership with Spotify and will offer some mobile customers free accounts with the online music giant.
Telecom's ShowMeTV should cut another chink in Sky Television's armour built up over 25 years of being a pay television monopoly, writes John Drinnan.
Sky Network TV's share price has rallied sharply after the company produced a 22pc lift in its first-half net profit, appearing to shrug off any threat from Telecom.
Analysts are divided over Telecom's Spark rebrand and foray into internet TV with some labelling it a "bold approach" and others a "minor distraction".