How much data is Pokemon Go using?
Pokémon GO might be the biggest internet craze we've seen in a long time - but when it comes to data usage it's just another drop in the online ocean.
Pokémon GO might be the biggest internet craze we've seen in a long time - but when it comes to data usage it's just another drop in the online ocean.
Staff have been relocated, but operations at the data centre won't be disturbed.
Fibre-optic cables for ultra-fast broadband have been installed across fences and through gardens in some Auckland homes - leaving residents concerned.
Faults on the copper network are causing outages for Spark customers and the telco says Chorus doesn't have enough staff to cope.
COMMENT: Spark chief executive Simon Moutter hit a nerve calling for Google, Facebook and other global media players to pay their fair share of taxes.
Sky TV and Vodafone say they have plenty of rivals and their merger won't by a threat to competition.
Spark has completed a $200 million programme upgrading the backend for its customer service IT platforms.
With no working phone line, there are fears an 87-year-old woman has been left without a lifeline.
COMMENT: Tax - it's about doing the right thing, writes Spark managing director Simon Moutter.
Spark NZ chief executive Simon Moutter is leading the first New Zealand Innovation mission to Israel this coming week.
Auckland woman Louise Black waited 90 minutes until her call to telco Spark was answered. She is not alone.
Auckland's largest indoor venue Vector Arena is set for a name change as telco Spark takes over the brand, technology partner and naming rights contract.
Mobile data speed of 1.15 gigabits per second is the fastest mobile data speed in New Zealand, says Spark.
Spark home broadband customers will now receive a free subscription to Lightbox for the entirety of their plan.
Spark has announced a big overhaul of its senior executive team.
WATCH: The latest piece of cable connecting New Zealand to the world wide web has landed in Raglan.
Skinny Mobile has been recognised for its customer service with two awards.
Spark customers on some monthly plans will be able to continue streaming music on Spotify for free.
The Tasman Global Access Cable will connect New Zealand and Australia.
Customers will need to apply online before the end of April to get the money.
Those who pledged money in the recent Givealittle campaign will get first chance to be one of three lucky families to stay at the popular beach.
Changes to consenting rules for ultra-fast broadband connections are tipped to halve the wait time for most requests.
Spark is exploring new ways to deliver video entertainment to customers, but Lightbox's chief executive says this won't be affecting its product.
Falling fixed line business is being more than offset by better mobile and broadband, says Spark.
New Zealand has a telecommunications sector outperforming its OECD counterparts in a number of ways according to a report released by an industry lobby group.
Two of New Zealand's biggest internet and mobile providers have been slammed in a customer satisfaction survey.
An idyllic, privately-owned beach will be added to the Abel Tasman National Park if a Givealittle campaign to purchase the land succeeds.
Breaking up might be hard to do, but unions take work too.
Spark has announced it will pledge $20,000 to the Givealittle project to buy a $2 million Abel Tasman beach.