Chris Keall: A huge, possibly mortal blow for Spark's streaming ambitions
Last night's problems will have a huge impact. The fallout has only just begun.
Last night's problems will have a huge impact. The fallout has only just begun.
Streaming last night's game had so many glitches "it was like watching 80s TV".
Get set to stream - or take full advantage of the free and live stuff.
Spark and TVNZ throw the kitchen sink at their coverage, hinting at a sports-grab to come.
Telco nudges ahead of Sky, but tougher test tonight.
Last-minute shock and confusion. Spark responds.
Fans are urged to have a practice run with Spark Sport before the RWC starts.
Remote island may have better RCW coverage than parts of rural NZ.
And when we'll see full replays for Rugby World Cup games.
An easy guide to watching live what promises to be one of the great Rugby World Cup...
PLUS: Where to find the 14 free Rugby World Cup games
COMMENT: Spark has taken something that was dear to us (rugby) and changed the rules.
The partnership comes as both companies wrestle with technical glitches.
Time is running out for the telco-turned-broadcaster.
Fans caught in the middle as Spark and Sky split soccer rights.
Three out of four weekends suffer glitches.
Charles Olmstead could not get Spark to connect his landline, so he made a stand.
One of the only three women running an NZX50 company exits stage left.
EDITORIAL: Globally the recession risk is rising, but there are solid local results.
Telco's new boss on streaming, Huawei and 5G, and the cable wars.
Shares dive to record low as dividend axed, but analysts see some positives.
A costly fight with Sky lies ahead.
Revenue flat but expenses fall; a Southern Cross Cable dividend warning.
PLUS: Sky Sport reveals streaming numbers.
Site blocking involves a mess of private and public players.
A foretaste of Rugby World Cup rage?
Another 5G drama in the making.
Some encouraging numbers for Spark Sport.