Latest FromSpace

Big Bang birth breakthrough

Big Bang birth breakthrough

Scientists have detected the enigmatic ripples in deep space that were triggered by the rapid expansion of the Universe during the earliest moments of its creation some 13.7 billion years ago.

NASA's real-life 'Gravity'

NASA's real-life 'Gravity'

Following the release of Oscar-winning film Gravity, NASA has released a series of photographs depicting the 'real-life Gravity'. Including photos on the International Space Station, Space Shuttle, NASA astronauts and various images of Earth captured from space.

Hubble: Amazing new galaxy

Hubble: Amazing new galaxy

A newly released Hubble Space Telescope mosaic image shows the nearby spiral galaxy M83 in rich detail, Also known as the Southern Pinwheel, the galaxy lies 15 million light-years away in the constellation of Hydra. Bold magentas and blues indicate the galaxy blazes with star formation, and the galactic panorama depicts stellar birth and death on a vast scale of 50,000 light-years. courtesy

 Virgin Galactic takes off

Virgin Galactic takes off

On the 10th of January 2014, Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo completed it's third powered test flight. In command on the flight deck for the first time under rocket power was Virgin Galactic's Chief Pilot Dave Mackay.

NASA: Tour of the Moon

NASA: Tour of the Moon

Although the moon has remained largely unchanged during human history, our understanding of it and how it has evolved over time has evolved dramatically. Thanks to new measurements, we have new and unprecedented views of its surface, along with new insight into how it and other rocky planets in our solar system came to look the way they do.

NASA: Alien Atmospheres

NASA: Alien Atmospheres

Since the early 1990's, astronomers have known that extrasolar planets, or "exoplanets," orbit stars light-years beyond our own solar system. Although most exoplanets are too distant to be directly imaged, detailed studies have been made of their size, composition, and even atmospheric makeup - but how?

Light show after solar flare

Light show after solar flare

Scientists monitoring solar activity believe a mass ejection of particles from the sun could mean people in some parts of Britain and North America are treated to a rare glimpse of the Aurora Borealis over the next few hours.