Latest FromSouth Korea

S Korea won't yield to Japanese

S Korea won't yield to Japanese

S Korean president Park Geun Hye said this week she is willing to hold a summit with N Korean leader Kim Jong Un, but she rejects any meeting with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe until Japan apologises for wrongdoings during its 35-year occupation of Korea.

North Korea military parades

North Korea military parades

Goose-stepping soldiers, columns of tanks and a broad array of ominous-looking missiles poised on mobile launchers paraded through Pyongyang's main square in a painstakingly choreographed military pageant intended to strike fear into North Korea's adversaries and rally its people behind young ruler Kim Jong Un on the 60th anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War.

Veterans back in war zone
New Zealand

Veterans back in war zone

The Korean War and the mates lost to it remain painful memories for many of the New Zealand veterans who yesterday visited the demilitarised zone which still separates North and South Korea 60 years later.