Phone scam: Woman stole $50,000 from elderly
She posed as bank staff and conned elderly into thinking their power would be cut off.
She posed as bank staff and conned elderly into thinking their power would be cut off.
He'll be walking five months, carrying film canisters with his dad and brother's ashes.
A burst water main has sent thousands of litres of water flooding down a main street.
September seemed a perpetual downpour. But was it really?
A man who did a 'dumb thing' by robbing his place of work has been shown some leniency.
Team NZ re taking the America's Cup on a national tour of the regions this month
Hotel developer Anthony Tosswill is not giving up on Dunedin just yet.
Dunedin has been identified as a new kereru "hotspot" in this year's Great Kereru Count.
The total number of farms hit by the cattle illness has risen to seven.
Skyline is proposing a 449-space car park for its proposed $100m gondola complex.
Christchurch International Airport is underwriting a game-changing South Island project.
One person is trapped following a crash involving a concrete truck in Southland.
The woman is the last of four complainants to give evidence against an Otago man.
Hundreds of students gathered in the backyard of the flat near and cheered on the antics.
Patches of showers and rain will reach all parts of the country this weekend.
Bruce Imrie's car plunged into the water near Sumner, in front of some junior doctors.
Louise Cairns' baby couldn't wait for hospital - so he arrived on the footpath.
A woman has described to a jury her childhood ordeal of watching her friend being raped.
Police believe they have found the body of missing Dunedin man.
Scientists find amazing shots in remote and extreme locations
New Zealand booked a larger-than-expected trade deficit in August,
Otago man allegedly lured 4 young girls into his bed and sexually abused them in sequence.
Man driving SUV "very lucky" to escape uninjured after smashing into side of a house.
A new mum is 'livid' after being told her sleeping 4-month-old had to leave.
There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the house fire in Brockville.
Greymouth fisherman still unaccounted for after the Wendy J sank 12 days.
The Prostitutes Collective says policing their members won't work.
Woman rescued from Ben Lomond after her husband tracked her location with his smartphone.
One incident involved the man asking a 17-year-old girl if she wanted a ride.