Vegas exec 'threatened to bury me in the desert and kill my show dogs'
Glenn Schaeffer and two Vegas execs have been locked in a High Court dispute since 2015.
Glenn Schaeffer and two Vegas execs have been locked in a High Court dispute since 2015.
Emergency services are attending and incident in Christchurch.
Pike River Recovery Agency has so far developed three options for re-entering the mine.
Farmers are being warned to prepare for a week of very cold weather.
Tyrone Tiatoa was riding to a first date when he was killed
The flight from Sydney touched down in NZ and began to slide.
Camera pinged 10,000 speeding vehicles in a four-month period.
Google Earth is providing a rare look into the homes of kākāpō around New Zealand.
Farmers advised to take all practical steps to ensure safety around effluent ponds.
The endangered kea has been seen on camera using a stick tool to access food.
The snow might be leaving the country but that doesn't mean good weather is on the way.
Local police say no one else is being sought in relation to the incident.
A man known to the woman faces charges relating to the incident in Ilam.
Owner describes watching in horror as an enraged customer smashed in her door.
After a stellar week of sunshine, spring is being chased away by two angry weather systems
Close-knit Westland community of Harihari in "absolute shock" after tragedy.
Police can now confirm stabbing victim was 28-year-old woman.
The mother of a university student who died by suspected suicide, has also died.
But another four farms have had their infected property status lifted.
A 450m taxi ride would cost around $10, but the quick trip cost a Dunedin nurse $1500.
It is understood the man's behaviour on a plane led to his arrest.
Another salvage bid planned for high tide tonight for mystery yacht on Christchurch beach.
A sheep shot through the head near Dunedin has made a stunning recovery.
Port Otago has seen some strong gains with an expected $9m dividend due.
The man denies drugging the women before sexually assaulting them
Fisherman went missing after the boat he was in capsized in Riverton.
Fine sunny weather is here to stay until at least Sunday.
Four incidents where kids have been approached have left Dunedin communities on edge.
Another child has reported being suspiciously approached nearby a Dunedin school.