Winz breach: Key calls for full review
Prime Minister John Key has called for a Government-wide review of online information after the Government's largest security breach.
Prime Minister John Key has called for a Government-wide review of online information after the Government's largest security breach.
A barrister in privacy law says it is unlikely Keith Ng will face legal action for publishing the fact he'd seen a security gap in WINZ computer systems.
'I sent through an email from work to head office to let them know that this problem existed,' a beneficiary advocate says.
"Paula Bennett is right when she says poverty isn't an excuse for child abuse," writes Tapu Misa. "There is no excuse for child abuse."
A Northland beneficiary has broken his 30-day hunger strike with a "Broadway Breakie" complete with eggs, sausages, hashbrowns, bacon and two flat whites.
The proposed new multi-agency plans for each child, backed by an IT system accessible by all agencies, should have been set up years ago, writes Simon Collins.
A hunger striker on his 27th day without food has written an open letter to Social Development Minister Paula Bennett pleading with her to stop "stalling policies" on food grants.
Food programmes for hungry Kiwi schoolchildren may soon get a boost from the Government to top off an overwhelming public response to recent media appeals.
As Wellington tries to find creative solutions to its housing problem, city residents are being called on to offer their spare rooms to the homeless.
Disabled hunger striker Sam Kuha is hoping to meet Social Development Minister Paula Bennett in Auckland tomorrow.
Good teachers matter, but the problem with conflating education and poverty is that the focus can narrow unhelpfully on one piece of the puzzle, writes Tapu Misa.
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has admitted the Government does not have the resources to test all beneficiaries under tough new welfare reforms.
Teens among the first "guinea pigs" for a new money management system for welfare say they get enough for food - but not for transport, baby supplies and medical costs.
A quarter of primary and intermediate pupils in poorer Waikato areas go to school hungry, researchers have found.
The bill pushing ahead with the Government's second wave of welfare reforms passed its first reading in Parliament today.
A disgruntled disabled Work and Income client allegedly smashed two windows at the department's Kaikohe office with a hammer.
Jack Daylight came to protest against welfare reform because he wants a job. He was arrested yesterday outside the Ministry of Social Development's office in Auckland.
Former MP Sue Bradford and four others will appear in court on Friday after a protest action at the Ministry of Social Development's Auckland regional office today.
The Government's latest welfare reforms will help get people out of the "trap" of benefit dependency, Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says.
Second bill in welfare reform cancels payments for those who refuse offer of 'suitable' job.