Latest fromSocial Issues

Reforms to return more pokie profits to communities
Gaming trusts would be forced to return more pokie machine profits to sports teams and community groups under proposed gambling reforms.

Rodger Spiller: Weighing investment with values
In the light of the latest step by churchgoers in Auckland to further align their money with their values, all investors are being challenged to think.

Former CEO backs 'living wage'
Disgraced former employers' boss Alasdair Thompson has switched sides and is speaking up for raising the minimum wage to $18.40 an hour.

Bishop challenges high-income earners
Wellington's Anglican bishop says he may cut his own salary to help fund a "living wage" for cleaners, caregivers and other low-paid workers.

A remuneration body for the poor?
Why can't an independent body fairly decide what a job should be paid? Or at least set a base living wage which people can actually live on, asks Brian Rudman.

Margaret McClure: Holes in safety net grow larger
At the 75th anniversary of social security, the system needs improvements, writes Margaret McClure.

Steve Maharey: Education is not just about knowledge
As the Minister of Education who was responsible for the introduction of the national curriculum, I was very interested to read the article by Elizabeth Rata.

Mob man seeks political role
Former gang member-turned-youth mentor wants to help his community as a councillor.

Hairdressers learn to help the suicidal
Hairdressers are the new front line in a campaign to strengthen "natural helpers" for suicide risks.

Almost half of women paid less than 'living wage'
Almost half of all women and a third of men earn less than $18.40 an hour - a rate which two Labour Party leadership contenders have promised to implement as a "living wage" in the state sector if they win power.

Living on less than $18/hour
A "living wage", for Ofa and Ngalu Tauerangi, would mean the chance to get a good night's sleep.

Young workers deserve a better deal
Youth are finding the story they were told about hard work is not quite true, writes Cathy Bi.

School absences 'can affect students for life'
A delay in getting at-risk youth back into education can have life-long consequences, education experts say.

Schools ban hundreds
A teen has been left in limbo without education for 305 school days as new figures spark concerns that at-risk pupils are falling through the cracks.

Parents under bullying spotlight
Overbearing parents whose children are repeatedly bullied may be part of the problem, with new research showing kids miss out on social skills when parents are too protective.

Old versus new in South Auckland
In the lead-up to the elections, the Herald will examine all of the Super City's 13 wards, analysing the big issues and contests.

Thai gay couples caught in Visa ordeal
The first two Thai couples to book same-sex marriages in NZ have had to battle to get visitor permits from immigration officials who appear to have been suspicious about their 30-year age gaps.

Robbing the poor to give to the rich
Alicia sobs as she recalls the moment she realised her life had to change. She was spending up to 20 hours a week at the pokies, losing between $300 and $400.

Middle NZ 'subsidises' the rest
Crusading doco-maker Bryan Bruce returns to TV screens this week to claim that New Zealand's middle class is subsidising the rich and the poor through a terrible tax burden.

NZ sport needs 'gay role models'
Blake Skjellerup believes an All Black may have to declare his homosexuality before New Zealanders can fully stifle prejudice towards gay sportspeople.

Victims and families speak out
Many are being subjected to horrendous abuse, threats and bullying while using the social networking site

Suicides spur scrutiny of website
Social networker to beef up measures to prevent harassment after five teens die following cyber bullying.

Distressed, yet ignored
To see whether the bystander effect worked on the streets of Auckland, the Herald on Sunday put an actress feigning obvious distress in a public place.

Church head seeks gay-wedding ban
The head of New Zealand's third-largest church has asked its ministers to consider a temporary ban on gay marriages to preserve the church's "peace and unity".

Rich car, discount attitude
Drivers of high-end vehicles are ruder than those who drive old bangers, according to a study.

WWII veterans join protest to support their caregivers
Some of New Zealand's last surviving World War II veterans have joined a protest against plans by the new managers of Auckland's Ranfurly home to slash their caregivers' wages.

Claire Trevett: Bennett's latest hard line right on target
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett often stands accused of taking a hard line on matters within her purview.

Editorial: Tough stance on abusers of children on right track
New measures to protect children from abusers are stronger and sharper than previous tepid responses.