Crime, jobs and our kids - things are looking up
Simon Collins takes a look at the 'state of our nation' report, a stock-take of New Zealand's social trends.
Simon Collins takes a look at the 'state of our nation' report, a stock-take of New Zealand's social trends.
Taxpayers have spent nearly $30 million targeting vandalism at schools in the past two years, while thieves have made off with items such as plastic guttering and wooden seats.
Harvard Business School researchers find striking variances between the gender profiles of directors.
A leading group in the campaign against methamphetamine use says a planned rental housing warrant of fitness should test whether a house has been used as a P-lab.
'We told him no, it's pretty much suicide.' A young dad ended up in hospital after downing an entire bottle of absinthe in the 'neknominate' booze craze.
A breakdown of results from the latest census shows how Aucklanders are more religious, smoke less ... and they're well behind Nelson for divorces.
Labour's leader was trying to get his sales pitch for new childhood policies back on track yesterday, but continued to take flak for exaggerating the baby bonus.
Labour's push for universal welfare will not resonate widely. People earning $150,000 and, indeed, much less, simply do not need a baby bonus.
Prime Minister John Key has accused Labour leader David Cunliffe of "misleading New Zealanders" over the $60-a-week child payment scheme.
Labour's $60-a-week child payment scheme may produce less work and more babies, economists say.
David Cunliffe's "baby bonus" is a nifty Trojan horse that will do more for Labour's chances than the usual politically inspired and euphemistically labelled "kissing babies" exercise, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Understandably, there has been much comment in the media concerning the tragedy in Dunedin involving the killing of two children by their father.
This election year there will be claim and counter-claim from National and Labour about whether the recovering economy is a rising tide that will lift all boats.
Chinese businessman who arrived as a boy in 1939 can look back on 75 years of fruitful life in NZ as a proud Kiwi.
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett is naturally happy to attribute a big reduction in the state's welfare liability to the Government's efforts.
Padded bikini tops for pre-teen girls are being taken off the shelves after a furious child welfare advocate intervened.
The combined wealth of the 85 richest people in the world is the same as the combined wealth of the world's poorest 3.5 billion, writes Toby Manhire.
Advocates are upset an Australian company is the big winner in Winz experiment that will pay contractors up to $12k to help beneficiaries into paid work.
Speakers from around the world will be welcomed at Parliament today in a huge powhiri - but there won't be any women in the front row,
I'm at the library. I haven't been at the library in years. But I'm told libraries are quiet places and I need a bit of quiet , writes Danielle Murray.
New Zealanders are proud of their landscape and people but acknowledge the Kiwi lifestyle comes at a cost, research shows.
Friendliness and a can-do attitude top a list of traits that New Zealanders think reflect our national identity.
Sir Colin Meads is the ultimate reflection of how many Kiwis view themselves.
Many family factors can be triggers for youth offending. Chief among these are criminal or anti-social parents.
Almost 5 per cent of all marriages of NZ residents were between same-sex couples in the first four months after gay marriage became legal.
First-home buyers have snapped up a quarter of the vacant state houses put up for sale by the Govt, some for under $100,000.
Monogamy is suddenly becoming popular in the gay community now same-sex couples can get married, an Auckland couple says.
CYF is investigating a video in which a boy, 6, is seen sculling from a Heineken bottle as part of a Neknominate dare.
Child Youth and Family are investigating a video in which a 6-year-old boy is seen drinking from a beer bottle as part of a Neknominate dare.