On the move: The life of a renter tot
A new study has found that two-thirds of children in private rental housing in Auckland and the Waikato move house within their first two years.
A new study has found that two-thirds of children in private rental housing in Auckland and the Waikato move house within their first two years.
I liked to drink. I liked to be drunk. "You self-medicate," my psychiatrist said, kindly, writes Deborah Hill Cone. Strangely, I even liked hangovers.
Middle-aged home buyers face being locked out of the property market because banks are worried they are too old to pay off their mortgage before they retire.
Nineteen youths with unsettled upbringings were honoured for their outstanding achievements at a special ceremony yesterday.
He's 28 and a former mechanic - but had to go to jail to learn that it's useful to save some of your money.
"I only do boys - so what's the problem?", asked the sex offender denied the chance to meet his daughter. Lucy Lawless came face to face with him.
The Families Commission is rebranding today taking a name which almost identical to that of a French supermarket chain.
President Obama's executive order would spare from deportation five million immigrants who have lived illegally in the US for at least five years and have children who are citizens.
Sir Owen Glenn's report also recommends tough new alcohol laws, including higher taxes and raising the legal drinking age to 20, plus a new dedicated family violence agency.
Next month Sio Talakai-Alatini is due to give birth to her fourth daughter - and thanks to a brave decision she will also graduate with a masters degree.
Kerre McIvor writes: Creepiness is subjective. One woman's laid-back, approachable boss is another's sleazy lech and one man's caring boss is another's predatory old cougar.
A psychiatric report delivered to the Parole Board found Ewen Macdonald still has a "significant personality disturbance" and has not addressed the factors underpinning his offending.
The number of state houses has dropped by 1600 in the past three years as grand plans for more state homes in Auckland appear to have been hit by rising land values.
For a long time the Lucky Country drew Kiwis to its shores, but as its economy changes we look at some of the risks of relocating to Australia.
Men's refuges and a ban on alcohol sponsorship of sports are the latest ideas from the Glenn Inquiry for tackling family violence.
New guidelines for sex education will be released in a few weeks, but the Govt will shy away from ordering schools to teach more than basic biology.
I was horrified to read zero-hour contracts are common among many multinational fast-food companies and are increasingly being used by supermarkets and retailers.
Imagine growing up not knowing your father because he has been declared an enemy of the people and has to live in another country you are forbidden to visit.
Certainly New Zealand offers a lot less than Australia in many ways, but at least we can still have the conversation about inequality, writes Dita De Boni.
Sir Owen Glenn's ill-fated family violence inquiry has stumbled again, producing a $7 billion estimated cost of family violence based on misreading of key research paper.
Leadership contender Andrew Little says he does not want the highly divisive debate on legalising euthanasia restarted when the party is trying to restore confidence with voters.
The Prime Minister recently made two announcements which appear worlds away but are intrinsically linked: making child poverty his priority this term, and attracting skilled people to New Zealand to enable continued economic growth.
Deborah Hill Cone writes: What is happening to our enlightened culture when even so-called intellectuals are preoccupied with pursuing Kardashian-level grooming?
The vast majority of people use fireworks responsibly. The mishaps are a tiny proportion of the fireworks let off at this time of the year.
Lotto presenter Sonia Gray has started a mental health awareness campaign for young adult women.