Latest fromSocial Issues

League great speaks out on violence
A new, more activist Families Commission is emerging with the appointment of league great Ruben Wiki as an "ambassador" against domestic violence.

Half of insulation scheme users low-income - Govt
More than half of the 8000 houses insulated under the Government's scheme belong to low-income earners, Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee says.

Rich keenest on hand-out for insulation
Big earners are lining up for the home insulation subsidy, a survey suggests, prompting fears middle income earners will miss out.

US 'prostitute' advised to lie to IRS
US housing officials have fired 4 employees after helping a 'prostitute' and 'pimp' get around tax forms to set up a brothel.

Details emerge of former All Black's drunken crash
A former All Black too drunk for a breath test suffers fractures to his face in a fight after a crash.

'Positive signs' despite dole numbers rising, says Bennett
While the number of people on benefits is rising, there are positive signs, says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.

Drink-driving limits 'ridiculous' - minister
Transport Minister Steven Joyce hints at tougher drink-driving laws, describing existing alcohol limits for drivers as "ridiculous".

Facebook is good for you, Twitter not
Facebook may give your brian a good workout claim scientists.

Can graffiti ever be art? UK city votes on it
Bristol City Council asks its constituents to answer a referendum on whether graffiti in the city should stay - or be removed.

Charges laid over boozy after-balls
Police are prosecuting a company for allegedly supplying alcohol to minors at school after-balls.

Tony Veitch's victory over police
A detective with personal links to Kristin Dunne-Powell should not have worked on the Tony Veitch investigation, according an official report.

Gunmen kill 17 in drug rehab centre
Gunmen broke into a drug rehabilitation centre, lined people against a wall and shot 17 dead in Mexico. Photo / AP

UK teens world's worst drunks
Britain has the biggest drink problem among 13-year-olds in the Western world, according to a major study on child wellbeing published today.