Latest fromSocial Issues
League great speaks out on violence
A new, more activist Families Commission is emerging with the appointment of league great Ruben Wiki as an "ambassador" against domestic violence.
Half of insulation scheme users low-income - Govt
More than half of the 8000 houses insulated under the Government's scheme belong to low-income earners, Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee says.
Rich keenest on hand-out for insulation
Big earners are lining up for the home insulation subsidy, a survey suggests, prompting fears middle income earners will miss out.
US 'prostitute' advised to lie to IRS
US housing officials have fired 4 employees after helping a 'prostitute' and 'pimp' get around tax forms to set up a brothel.
Details emerge of former All Black's drunken crash
A former All Black too drunk for a breath test suffers fractures to his face in a fight after a crash.
'Positive signs' despite dole numbers rising, says Bennett
While the number of people on benefits is rising, there are positive signs, says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.
Drink-driving limits 'ridiculous' - minister
Transport Minister Steven Joyce hints at tougher drink-driving laws, describing existing alcohol limits for drivers as "ridiculous".
Facebook is good for you, Twitter not
Facebook may give your brian a good workout claim scientists.
Can graffiti ever be art? UK city votes on it
Bristol City Council asks its constituents to answer a referendum on whether graffiti in the city should stay - or be removed.
Charges laid over boozy after-balls
Police are prosecuting a company for allegedly supplying alcohol to minors at school after-balls.
Tony Veitch's victory over police
A detective with personal links to Kristin Dunne-Powell should not have worked on the Tony Veitch investigation, according an official report.
Gunmen kill 17 in drug rehab centre
Gunmen broke into a drug rehabilitation centre, lined people against a wall and shot 17 dead in Mexico. Photo / AP
UK teens world's worst drunks
Britain has the biggest drink problem among 13-year-olds in the Western world, according to a major study on child wellbeing published today.
Boys plead guilty to vicious assault
Two young brothers are facing life in custody for beating, burning and sexually assaulting two boys aged nine and 11 reports Sky News.