Latest fromSocial Issues

<i>Grant Christie:</i> Hard decisions needed about youth drinking
Grant Christie asks whether alcohol reform is a matter of conscience or science.

King's party axed after failure to secure bar
Plans have been scrapped for a King's College after-ball where parents were going to buy their children alcohol.

Karaoke host sings the praises of healthy living
Te Hamua Nikora is the Maori men's posterboy for what not to do about your health - but he's still a ridiculously handsome one, he reckons.

Magazine slammed for ordering breastfeeding mums to toilet
Breastfeeding advocates are outraged at a magazine's "commandment".

Britain: Ten-year-old schoolboys convicted of attempted rape
A pair of primary school boys yesterday became two of the youngest sex offenders in Britain after being found guilty of the attempted rape of an eight-year-old girl.

Relax and grow rich?
When I heard that Claire Wadey, the co-author of a new local book called Relax and Grow Rich was a mum with two small children, I was intrigued.

<i>Tapu Misa:</i> Inequality bound to hurt us all in the end
Tapu Misa writes that the growing divide between rich and poor makes solidarity and a sense of community more difficult.

Troubled actress Castle-Hughes dumps the booze
Oscar-nominated actress Keisha Castle-Hughes has been praised for her decision to kick her drinking habit.

Late-in-life dads up by 20 per cent
The number of Kiwi men who have a child after their 50th birthday has risen 20 per cent in the past five years.

Helping to foster better parents
A teaching method for caregivers of children from broken homes is "a bit like Supernanny" says the boss of a scheme aimed at coaching foster parents.

Smoke dope and become one, study warns
New research suggests cannabis use is dumbing down young people.

Keeping Mum: Are you late?
Last year, 76 per cent of British adults surveyed said they thought it was appropriate to run advertisements offering help for those dealing with unplanned pregnancies.

Budget 2010: Early childhood educators 'devastated'
The Govt's decision to remove recognition for fully qualified centres 'dumbs down' the sector, early childhood educators say.