Latest fromSocial Issues

Town tilts the odds off pokies
The community of Romsey put its foot down about gaming and won. Now others are following suit.

Lashlie's cure to end cycle of crime
If we want to stop building prisons for men, then first take care of the women, says outspoken author.

<i>Paul Thomas</i>: Taking the high ground on drugs and war
It's all very well for Time magazine to wring its hands over the wretched women of Afghanistan, but what about innocent children in Massachusetts?

Burger ad complaint not upheld
A complaint that a Burger King TV ad was offensive to vegetarians by suggesting a burger could convert them to eating meat has not been upheld.

Cat dumper: 'I cannot explain why I did this'
The woman who earned the wrath of a nation after she was caught dumping a cat in a bin says she is "profoundly sorry".

'Eyesore' house irks neighbours
A heavily tagged, unoccupied house in west Auckland has infuriated neighbours and exposed loopholes in council rules.

What's behind Mexico's drug wars
Johann Hari from The Independent throws some light on Mexico's brutal drug wars between gangs and police.

If you want to talk about being poor... you've got to be rich
Critics say the entry cost of $2295 plus GST for the two-day Child Poverty NZ Summit in October is far too expensive for most frontline workers.

Little support for families hit by suicide - mother
A mother whose son committed suicide says families are often left on their own when dealing with the suicide of a loved one.

Cat dumper under police watch as anger grows
The British woman who was caught on a security camera cruelly dumping a cat in a wheelie bin is now under police protection after being named and shamed by the press.

'Cat dumping' woman found
The British woman who was caught on a security camera cruelly dumping a cat in a wheelie bin has been identified.

Liquor law changes - readers react
There has been mixed reaction to the Government's proposed changes to liquor laws, but most Herald readers say more needs to be done.

The actual cost of childcare
Working NZ families pay 28 per cent of their net income on childcare, according to an OECD study. Dita De Boni examines the costs.

<i>Rebecca Barry: </i>Digital tsunami drowns life as we know it
Could we be heading towards a future in which technology blurs the line between living and non-living machines?