Latest fromSocial Issues

Cocaine smugglers 'targeting NZ'
A South American drug syndicate appears to be targeting New Zealand, with the amount of seized cocaine this year increasing more than 10-fold on two years ago, says Customs.

No weed pass, no cannabis, Dutch tell tourists
The Netherlands' free-wheeling dope days may soon be over if the country's new centre-right coalition government has its way.

It's all geek to us
Forget the cliché of the uncool four-eyed wimp. As Alice-Azania Jarvis explains, 2010 may go down in the history books as the Year of the Nerd.

12 Days of Christmas: Lifeline
Christmas is the busiest time for counselling service Lifeline Auckland, which sees a sharp increase in the number of calls it receives.

Survey finds sunbed regulation not working
Survey finds only 10 per cent of outlets meet the voluntary criteria for safety.

Women in their twenties smash glass ceiling to reverse pay gap
British women in their twenties have smashed the glass ceiling and are now being paid more than their male counterparts.

Concern over serial animal abuser
Tauranga residents are concerned they are dealing with a serial animal abuser after a kitten was violently thrown against a door and killed this morning - the third horrific act of animal cruelty in the city in a month.