Latest fromSocial Issues
Same-sex date banned at school ball
A Wellington boys' college has banned a student from bringing his male date to this weekend's school ball.
Spate of deaths hits mill town
13 youths from Kawerau have died suddenly in just 18 months, with "no rhyme or reason."
Paul Holmes: Nothing for free - it's the basic welfare rule
Cutting benefit costs a tough task, but there are avoidable mistakes.
Youth in holding pattern as recession bites north
The impacts of the global financial crisis hit are ingrained in our communities.
Natalie Portman signs on to support gay marriage
Natalie Portman has signed Freedom to Marry's Say, "I Do" letter to President Barack Obama asking for marriage equality for gay couples.
<i>Dita De Boni:</i> If Sir Peter says so
Someone who has done nothing but alienate large groups of teachers is a deadbeat choice for the job of Education Minister, says Dita De Boni.
Drug sold at dairies puts young man in mental unit
An anguished father wants substances such as Kronic synthetic cannabis banned.
Adoptee's 'horrific' attacks on mum
A 28-year-old man who was given up for adoption allegedly subjected his birth mother to more than 12 months of abuse.
Tapu Misa: Gluckman's report shows the way
"There is always a solution to every human problem - neat, plausible and wrong," wrote H.L. Mencken.
Prison guard jailed for corruption
Rimutaka prison guard Johan Clarke has been jailed in what is believed to be the first time a corrections officer has been convicted of corruption charges.
<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> PR disaster as Countdown pulls out of 'Robin Hood partnership'
The high profile coverage of Countdown's withdrawal from the Red Cross breakfast programme is a public relations nightmare.
Wellywood sign alternatives sought
Wellington Airport is putting its Wellywood sign plans on hold after a strong public backlash against the idea. It plans to form a panel to discuss other options for the site.
Kids taught self-control do well as adults
Teaching self-control to children as young as three can set them up for healthy, wealthy and crime-free lives.
Nats' welfare crackdown centrepiece of campaign
John Key says reforms will be based on the premise 'if you can work, you must work'.
War on smoking moves to new battlegrounds
It's the developing world, not the West, which now consumes most of the world's cigarettes.
Deborah Coddington: Stop paying abusers to breed
When you have children, your whole life changes and you must try to defend your child from harm no matter what.