When a language is on its death bed
Dona Aida de Jesus is 96 years old and one of the last custodians of a dying language.
Dona Aida de Jesus is 96 years old and one of the last custodians of a dying language.
British study finds a third of girls aged between 10 and 11 are adopting drastic methods to pursue their ideal body shape.
The world's seven billionth person will be born on October the 31, but what number are you?
In at least 17 countries around the world, girls are being abducted, raped and forced into marriage, writes The Independent's Emily Dugan.
After motorbiking round the world and saving Happy Feet, economist Gareth Morgan wants to revolutionise our tax and welfare system. Andrew Laxon asks him why.
Senior New Zealanders feel nearly 20 years younger than their age and most believe others see them as younger ...
Britons are becoming more sexually adventurous, with fewer defining themselves as 'straight', research has found.
Nikki Kaye and Jacinda Ardern are rivals for Auckland Central. But with Green candidate Denise Roche in the equation, the battle won't be straightforward.
Adults hacked off with the disappointment of modern life seek solace in children's books, a Cambridge University believes.
There's a general consensus that the privileged cannot ever understand the discrimination endured by other groups.