Latest fromSmoking

Exclusive: ESR scientists reveal what's really in vaping products
"Clear discrepancies between ingredients listed and what we detected in the lab."

Preventable tragedies: Baby dies after neck is caught in sleep tent
Most sudden infant deaths are preventable if safe sleeping practices are followed.

Opinion | WHO gets lost on the vaper trail
OPINION: Louis Houlbrooke says NZ should take pride in its approach to vape products.

Opinion | What a vaccine passport would look like - and why our smoke-free law is relevant
OPINION: Peter Davis writes we already have a precedent law that could apply to passports.

'We have lost hope in the system': Vape store robbed for third time in a week
"We have lost hope in the system," owner says.

Spike in dairy robberies linked to tobacco tax hikes
Tobacco was stolen for personal use or for the black market, a report said.

The vaping battle: New inquiry delves into dangers
Otago food scientists to investigate e-liquid flavour contents

Decision to kick 45-year smoking addiction inspires others
Ned Tapa has now been smoke-free for 15 months.

Vape study: Are e-cigarette flavours bad for you?
Not enough's known about the potential harm vaping flavours might cause, scientist says.

Stubbed out: Cruella latest character hit with smoking ban
"Cruella is inarguably the most famous Disney character who loves cigarettes."

'Bold move': $36.6m to help Kiwis quit smoking by 2025
Advocacy groups are applauding the Government's Smokefree 2025 spend.

Our Smokefree goal demands a limit on tobacco supply
Opinion: Have we left the effort to stamp out smoking by 2025 too late?

Smokefree 2025 plans needs targets, and funding - Hone Harawira
Smokefree 2025 won't happen unless Govt sets clear targets and money to achieve them.

Rongoā Māori: Plant chemical found in kōwhai helps smokers quit
A chemical found in the kōwhai may offer a cheaper medicine to help people quit smoking.

Call for tobacco-only stores with country 'way behind' Smokefree 2025 target
Smoking rates are falling but at less than half needed to reach the 2025 goal.

What's in your vaping liquid? Scientists to test for nicotine levels, alcohol, illegal drugs
Studies have reported large variations between labelled and actual nicotine levels.

Comment: Let's quit the shame game and help our smokers give up
Opinion: Half a million still addicted to cigarettes - here's what they need to quit.

'Tragic': Mental health disorders linked to deadly physical illness
Researchers examined 3.2 million New Zealander's hospital records.

What does vaping really do to our lungs?
Major NZ study aims to answer burning questions around vaping's long-term effects.

New year, more tax: Price of cigarettes goes up again
The increase is smaller than in previous years.

Clean teens: Why are more young Kiwis snubbing drugs, smoking and booze?
New study aims to get to the bottom of curious "megatrend" among cleaner-living teens.

Christchurch's smokefree areas now 'vapefree' too
The city's existing Smokefree Public Places policy will now include vaping.

'Vapefree' public spaces being considered in Christchurch
Fifteen other councils have already included vaping in their smokefree policies.

NZ set an ambitious target to reduce cot deaths. Three years on, no one knows if progress is being made
Experts say the rate of cot deaths in NZ may be rising after years of decreases.

NZ First leader snapped smoking on smoke-free campus
Winston Peters was taking a smoko at Otago University's Dunedin campus this afternoon.

Vaping teen nearly dies: 'I have the lungs of an 80-year-old lifelong smoker'
16yo spent 10 weeks fighting for his life in hospital, needed artificial lung to survive.

Up in smoke: Cigarette sales plunge by almost 200 million a year
About 2132 million cigarettes were sold last year - 193 million fewer than 2018.

Home detention for businessman in $537k tobacco tax fraud
An inspection by Biosecurity NZ found a container with smokes hidden inside boxes of food.

'Shocking': Major ethnic inequalities in breast reconstruction surgery
Minority patients are missing out on better quality of life and happiness after cancer.