Latest fromSmoking
UK: NHS trial offers people money to lose weight
Obese patients have been paid up to $911 to lose weight in a UK trial to test if financial incentives can be used to change unhealthy behaviour.
Remove tobacco from shops, says academic
An Auckland academic says smoking rates in New Zealand would plummet if tobacco products could not be displayed at shops.
Marae under attack from smoking, inquiry told
Maori told the parliamentary tobacco inquiry today that their marae were being undermined by tobacco smoking and associated early death.
Women's ice hockey players drink and smoke on ice
Canadian women's ice hockey team celebrate their gold medal win over the USA with beer, champagne and cigars on the ice.
Smokers have lower IQs, says study
Cigarette smokers have lower IQs than non-smokers and the more a person smokes, the lower his IQ, according to a new study.
Happy people 'have fewer heart attacks'
Researchers at Columbia University found happier people were less likely to develop serious heart problems.
Ban smoking from beaches, health officials ask
Health officials tackling Maori smoking want new measures to ban the habit at beaches, playgrounds, bus stops and other areas.
Kiwis want cigarettes banned by 2020
Half the nation, including smokers, support completely banning cigarettes within 10 years, a study has found.
Maori women pay price for their high addiction rate
Just under 50 per cent of Maori women smoke, compared to 20 per cent for the whole population aged 15 to 64.