Latest fromSmoking
Zoo joins tidal wave of bans on smoking
Auckland Zoo will ban smoking from Saturday, riding the growing wave of opposition to lighting up at outdoor venues.
<i>Roger Bull:</i> Fight's on for shoppers' freedom in face of tobacco zealots
Roger Bull argues that bans on product displays in stores impinge on consumers' right to choose.
Influential iwi acts to prohibit tobacco
A large North Island iwi has adopted a bold strategy that will lead to a ban on bringing tobacco to events it controls.
<i>Garth George:</i> Where there's smoke there's an earner
Garth George writes that cigarettes are a tax windfall, and denying smokers medical attention is hypocritical.
Australia to ban logos on cigarette packets
Australia is poised to introduce the world's harshest anti-smoking laws, with tobacco companies forced to sell cigarettes in plain packets resembling prescription drug packs.
$17 a packet: Parliament socks smokers
A typical pack of 25 cigarettes will cost now $17 after tax hikes were bulldozed through Parliament last night.
Tobacco tax to jump 10pc at midnight
Tobacco tax will jump 10 per cent from midnight, raising the price of a pack of 20 cigarettes by about a dollar to around $11.
Bad habits 'will take 12 years off life'
Smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet can collectively age you by 12 years.
<i>George Thomson and Helen Wilson:</i> Policymakers overlook children who sit in smoke-filled cars
George Thomson and Helen Wilson ask why the Government is lagging on smokefree car laws.
How genes influence obesity, senility - and the effects of olive oil
Medical researchers have begun to elucidate the complex role of genes in human health.