Latest fromSmoking

Ban would improve prison safety - guard
The safety benefits from banning lighters in prisons would outweigh threats of violence over the planned smoking ban, a prison guard says.

Smoker takes heart to Parliament
A former smoker brought his diseased heart to Parliament for MPs to look at today, telling a select committee of his five heart attacks caused by smoking-related disease.

Prisoners already threatening guards over smoking ban
Threats to guards are already widespread as a result of the looming smoking ban, the Corrections Association says.

Cigarette crackdown already causing fights, says ex-inmate
Squeeze on cigarettes is already causing fights, says a man just released from Waikato's Rangipo Prison.

'Bash' threats over prison smoking ban
Prison guards have been threatened with "the bash" when the ban on inmates smoking takes effect.

Prison smoking ban to kick in next July
Corrections Minister Judith Collins today announced prisoners have 12 months to kick the smoking habit before a total ban comes in.

Should NZ prisons be smoke-free?
Smoking will be banned in all prisons from next year. Is this a good idea? Some say it could cause fights, others claim it will reduce lung cancer risks.

Prisons to become smoke-free from next year
Department of Corrections bosses found taxpayers could be liable for lawsuits from prison guards exposed to inmates' second-hand smoke.

Plain packs for cigarettes turn off teens
Wiping virtually all branding off cigarette and tobacco packets could prove crucial in turning teens off smoking, a NZ study indicates.

NZ smokers exposed to more tar than Aussies
NZ smokers are exposed to much more nicotine from cigarettes than are Australians, possibly because of a preference for high-nicotine brands.

Warning: the nanny state can seriously improve your health
Research shows that "nannying" works, with a ban on smoking having a decidedly positive impact on individuals' lives

'Green light' worry in smoking test
It's billed as the test to scare smokers into quitting, but now some public health groups say it may encourage some to keep on puffing.

Tobacco companies contest NY anti-smoking signs
New York - New York City anti-smoking signs depicting a decaying tooth, diseased lungs and a damaged brain violate cigarette vendors' free speech and should be removed, tobacco companies and retailers said in a lawsuit.