Latest fromSmoking

Committee calls for radical tightening of tobacco laws
A select committee is demanding a radical tightening of tobacco laws, including fines of up to $10k for sales to minors.

Councils getting tough over ciggie breaks
Growing numbers of local authorities in Britain are forcing their staff to 'clock out' every time they take a cigarette break.

Graphic warnings deter young smokers - study
Graphic images of the adverse health effects of smoking do deter young adult smokers and should be significantly increased in size, NZ research has found.

Tobacco firms deny internet marketing tactic
Health organisations are alarmed at how the internet is being used to promote smoking.

New Top Model scandal
They might be Top Models, but a couple of the contestants on the top-rating television show have turned out to be anything but role models.

Dramatic slump in cigarette sales
Demand for tobacco has fallen 15pc at supermarkets since the tax rise in April - a far greater reduction than expected.

Tobacco firm denies YouTube marketing
British American Tobacco (BAT) has denied claims it uses video-sharing website YouTube to market its products, as research released today from Otago University claimed.

<i>Gareth Morgan:</i> Our approach to booze has been pathetic
The health sector is overburdened by those who don't know how to look after themselves or don't give a damn, writes Gareth Morgan.

NZers want end to commercial tobacco sales - survey
The majority of NZers support an end to commercial tobacco sales by 2020, a UMR Research survey finds.

Tobacco giant admits child labour link
Tobacco giant Philip Morris has admitted that child workers have been subjected to long hours working on Kazakhstan tobacco farms it deals with.

Teen smoking drops 30pc - study
A study shows a 30pc drop in the number of teens smoking - days after the Govt announced a $12m cut in funding for anti-tobacco initiatives.