Kindy surprise - Macs for pre-school Kiwis
If anything, it's odd to see preschool children in a Decile 1 New Zealand kindergarten using Apple gear.
If anything, it's odd to see preschool children in a Decile 1 New Zealand kindergarten using Apple gear.
Vision becomes reality as more people turn to the internet for phone calls.
Broadband, as hundreds of thousands of New Zealand users already know, provides fast access to the internet and email.
Local wireless internet provider Tomizone has partnered with Skype to promote the global giant's new web access product to NZ users.
Despite a tricky trackpad, Dell's Inspiron Mini 10 offers pretty good bang for buck in the underpowered netbook world.
This is no plasticky toy - it's solid, sleek and slick, yet also very thin. And the screen looks lovely.
The new iPhone is being marketed on its ability to make video calls. Will it's FaceTime app finally succeed where its predecessors failed?
The iPad has been one of the most discussed devices ever, and that was before launch. Now people actually have them, what are they saying?
Tomorrow will mark the 25th anniversary of the registration of the very first domain name - Symbolics.com.
A proposed optic fibre cable linking NZ, Australia and the USA would unleash billions of dollars of economic potential by connecting NZ businesses to global markets by 2013.
Putting together the power of the internet and sport would seem a natural combination for a New Zealand company.
Security specialists are warning that cybercrooks now have the power to listen into internet calls using popular application Skype.