TVNZ: SkyCity hasn't asked us for land
TVNZ says it has had no approach from SkyCity to buy its land for the proposed convention centre, contrary to the Prime Minister's assurances yesterday.
TVNZ says it has had no approach from SkyCity to buy its land for the proposed convention centre, contrary to the Prime Minister's assurances yesterday.
SkyCity asked for taxpayers to pay for the marketing and promotion of the international convention centre, but the Government ruled it out.
National's damage control strategy has been to try to paint Key's earlier contacts with SkyCity as perfectly normal, writes John Armstrong
Key may not be losing much sleep. But this report is no comforting, soft bed of hay. It is a bed of nails, writes John Armstrong.
SkyCity got special treatment in its pitch to build the international convention centre - but nothing which will get in the way of a formal deal being struck.
SkyCity got special treatment on talks around the international convention centre after the Prime Minister personally intervened.
Increasing pokie machine numbers at SkyCity doesn't mean more machines in New Zealand, says the Prime Minister.
The public health experts who once led SkyCity's problem gambling programme say the casino doesn't do enough to prove they stop punters becoming addicts.
A Hamilton casino worker has been sentenced to nine months' home detention for accepting financial gifts from patrons.
Royce Duncan claimed his success as a gambler - not a methamphetamine manufacturer - was the reason he could afford so many expensive toys, such as a 15.2m (50ft) launch.
Brian Rudman asks: "If a national convention centre is the vital piece of missing infrastructure to guarantee our future prosperity, why are they shackling it to the whims of a gambling empire?"
Sky City helped negotiate a deal struck by the Govt which fast tracks wealthy Chinese visitors' visa applications to NZ, Winston Peters has revealed.