Latest fromSkyCity Entertainment Group Ltd
Money man ready for power play
The one thing alternative finance minister won't be criticising in tomorrow's Budget is the Government's confirmation that it is on track to return to surplus in 2014-15.
John Armstrong: Labour in corner over convention centre deal
Labour is unlikely to countenance any attempt by its minor partner to scuttle yesterday's deal between SkyCity and National, writes John Armstrong.
Editorial: SkyCity deal too soft on social issues
Editorial: The benefits in terms of new business, growth and jobs are readily apparent. The other side of the story is, however, less alluring.
Convention centre at new heights
Moller Architects' Gordon Moller and son Craig have been working with SkyCity Entertainment Group for some years.
SkyCity's fortunes on a roll
The value of SkyCity Entertainment Group could get a $200 million boost after a $402 million deal announced yesterday.
SkyCity's deal unveiled: 230 more pokies
Details of the controversial SkyCity convention centre deal with the Government have been announced, with the listed casino operator paying $402m for the new centre.
$350m SkyCity casino deal
Conceived over dinner almost four years ago, the Government's $350 million pokies-for-a-national convention centre deal with SkyCity is to be signed over breakfast today.
Gambler crushed by brutal loans
Susan Chow found herself in a hole so deep a drug overdose seemed the only escape.
P-ring player loses $200k in bail breach
One of the players in a P-ring that used Auckland's SkyCity casino as an office has lost $200,000 after running from his lawyer's office and breaching bail.
Banned pokie addict became SkyCity VIP
A banned poker machine addict slipped through all SkyCity's safety systems to play his way to VIP status in the casino's high-roller room - blowing $500,000 in the process.
VIP life took over despite casino ban
Sarah was losing her husband. It wasn't another woman who had slipped into her life. Instead, John was taken by SkyCity casino.
Big bills on cards for SkyCity
SkyCity Entertainment Group could be up for $500 million if it wins the right to build a new Gold Coast casino, cruise ship terminal and tourism project, an expert estimates.
Dunne sends 'time-bomb warning' to Key
Peter Dunne has sent a "time bomb warning" to Prime Minister John Key, saying his "cut through" approach risks becoming "a major problem".
John Roughan: SkyCity deal insight into PM's mind
It is not often you get a chance to look in the window of the Beehive's inner sanctum and see how a Prime Minister works.
TVNZ land deal: Key retreats
Prime Minister John Key has backed away from statements to Parliament about SkyCity hatching a land deal with TVNZ.
TVNZ: SkyCity hasn't asked us for land
TVNZ says it has had no approach from SkyCity to buy its land for the proposed convention centre, contrary to the Prime Minister's assurances yesterday.
Casino's bid for funding fails
SkyCity asked for taxpayers to pay for the marketing and promotion of the international convention centre, but the Government ruled it out.
John Armstrong: National's SkyCity damage control
National's damage control strategy has been to try to paint Key's earlier contacts with SkyCity as perfectly normal, writes John Armstrong
John Armstrong: Sky City report 'deeply disturbing'
Key may not be losing much sleep. But this report is no comforting, soft bed of hay. It is a bed of nails, writes John Armstrong.
Select treatment for SkyCity won't stop deal
SkyCity got special treatment in its pitch to build the international convention centre - but nothing which will get in the way of a formal deal being struck.
SkyCity report critical of process
SkyCity got special treatment on talks around the international convention centre after the Prime Minister personally intervened.
Key: Deal doesn't mean more pokies
Increasing pokie machine numbers at SkyCity doesn't mean more machines in New Zealand, says the Prime Minister.