Latest fromSideswipe

Sideswipe: Aug 1: Bolts from the blue
How SkyCity makes cyclists feel welcome at the film festival... with bolt cutters.

Sideswipe: July 20: A much cooler Stormtrooper
An Australian man has decided to walk 4000km from Perth to Sydney decked out in full stormtrooper gear to raise money for sick children.

Sideswipe: July 19: Lookalike faces
Here's a blog and a book dedicated to inanimate objects which unintentionally look like faces.

Sideswipe: July 18: Vege heaven
Artist Brock Davis made this wonderful broccoli treehouse for his son when he couldn't build him a real one.

Sideswipe: Too Close Up for comfort?
Close Up story on Made in New Zealand goods has script imported from US current affairs show.

Sideswipe: July 6: Sign language
Celebrating Maori Language Week, snapped in a Mt Roskill carpark.

Sideswipe extra: Something for the weekend
Enjoy the last day of the working week with some weird and wonderful news in our weekend edition.

Sideswipe: Perspective on parking
A reader managed to extricate himself from his car and take a photo, and returned to discover this note left on his windscreen.

Sideswipe: Hitting the spot
A graphic from the New York Times on the gender wage gap in the United States.

Sideswipe: Something for the weekend
Enjoy the last day of the working week with some weird and wonderful slices of life in the weekend edition of Sideswipe.