Sculpture on the gulf
Konstantin Dimopoulos's Beyond Good and Evil from the Sculpture On The Gulf exhibition, Waiheke Island interacts with the view. Snapped by Steve Murray.
Konstantin Dimopoulos's Beyond Good and Evil from the Sculpture On The Gulf exhibition, Waiheke Island interacts with the view. Snapped by Steve Murray.
"I put a job ad on Seek yesterday morning and was inundated with applications within minutes," writes a reader.
"Our friend Vaughn bought these $40 boots described as having 'upper leather-lining textile-Outsole synthetic' from The Warehouse at Matamata, where everyone gets a bargain.
Sue Wallace spotted Auckland Council's creative pruning to avoid power lines on Tripoli Rd, Panmure.
The Diver family of Paremoremo is curious about their tomato sauce ... "After buying a new bottle of tomato sauce we noticed it seemed a lot sweeter than the refills from the cans.
A study has found that the most commonly used lie by parents was telling a child that they were going to walk away and leave them during a tantrum.
Pete Steinberg had to follow a Ritchies bus through Newmarket the other morning with white smoke pouring out of the exhaust.
A reader writes: "These skips are used by campers staying at the DoC campground by the beach at Port Jackson, Coromandel. Both are full of near-new camping furniture.
A reader writes: "At Tapotupotu Bay near Cape Reinga on Sunday we spotted a group of young people using the DoC campground shower to wash their car!
The visitors to Belgium's Verbeke Foundation art collection can spend the night inside the feature attraction.
Daniel Painter, who sculpted his dog's hair to make it look like a lion, sparked fears of a big cat on the loose in Norfolk, Virginia.
New Zealand's most expensive microwaved pie?: "I've just been to a cafe near Warkworth to grab a quick bite to eat to take away.
One reader was so impressed with their local cafe's coffee art they thought it deserved acknowledgment.
High in the hills of Waiatarua in the soupy mist of Christmas night, with the children finally in bed we sat down to watch a movie with our visitors.
Spotted in SkyCity car park in Auckland. Not only a tacky coloured Rolls-Royce, but the taking of three car park spots.
After seeing a brown snake in the front yard of a neighbour's house, Rodney Williams of Glenroi, picked it up and bit its head off.
Doctors have discovered a baby tooth lodged inside an 8-year-old boy's ear three years after he placed it under his pillow for the tooth fairy.