Latest fromSideswipe

Hogging the outside lane
"Is it just me or is this year's batch of Girl Guide biscuits the worst ever?" asks Dave Orchard.

March 25: Toilet side-saddle
A reader writes: "Went to a recent open home in Owairaka, Auckland, and found this in the new bathroom. I guess you have to use the toilet side-saddle."

Whose bloodied hand is this?
Fax machines, almost obsolete in the United States and other Western countries, are still central to many tech-savvy Japanese families and companies (who bought 1.7 million units last year alone).

Jesus on high
Spotted on "This traditional-style kite has a sturdy triangular frame and a large wingspan, which features a beatific image of Mary's immaculate child watching over us.

Job opportunity strangled
A friend was looking for three new staff to work in the horticulture field in South Auckland and asked if I would drop a copy of the ad into the local Winz office at Highland Park.

Toilet humour on buildings
"What is it with financial services organisations and their fixation on toilet-based architecture?" writes a reader.

No way to tell gender
My wife convinced me to get a kitten, so we did, a very cute black one. I'd asked for a male - once they're neutered they're no trouble.

Sharing the inside job info
I work in finance, and not a lot of people realise that every time you apply for finance, whether it be a phone account, credit card or loan, an inquiry is put against your name.

Safer with hair down there
Homegrown efforts to remove the "hair down there"' are sending more people to hospital emergency departments.