Desperate measure
No trailer, no problem! Snapped last Tuesday afternoon in West Auckland by a gobsmacked Emma.
No trailer, no problem! Snapped last Tuesday afternoon in West Auckland by a gobsmacked Emma.
Hong Kong's Yes Lady pawnshop allows you to use your luxury handbag as collateral.
It may be disconcerting for men to see their reflection in shop windows as little old men and women glimpse their mothers in the mirror
How to make sure no one pinches your trailer? Must have crane and a sense of humour, seen in East Tamaki by Royce.
A South African music festival is delivering beer to the crowd via a drone.
Dmitry Argarkov of Voronezh, Russia, received a credit card offer from a bank.
"They say that as we grow older our self-image becomes rather more attractive - younger, fitter, taller - than the reality others see," writes David.
Spotted in a room menu at the Devon Hotel, New Plymouth, by Grant who quipped: "I like children but I couldn't eat a whole one".
A Midland school is banning girls as young as 9 from wearing skirts - because girls are wearing them too short.
New to the neighbourhood is a tow-truck driver, writes a reader. "Since moving in I reckon he has painted those white lines on the road outside his house himself.
"Travelling south along the Desert Road a week or so ago it was great fun to see families playing in the lush snow by the side of the road," writes David Winn.
"Throw away your old 2D toothbrush!" exclaims Gareth. "The new revolutionary 3D toothbrush is here!
The birth of Prince George has been a huge boon for many manufacturers, but one company lost out.
"Testament to the honesty of the Devonport community is this pile of firewood tantalisingly situated on the verge of a busy street which appears not to have reduced in size during the week to date."
Patricia Hill once owned 104 bottles of Old Farm Pure Rye Whiskey which was distilled in 1912 and valued at US$102,400 ($128,500).
My husband and I visited a cafe in the Waitakere Ranges over the weekend.
Mercury Energy has a Mercury Profile on its website, for people who do business with it via the net.
"Your mention of the clipboard in today's paper reminded me of an incident some years ago."
An unemployed, 32-year-old man stole a wallet from a parked scooter in Kobe, Japan, because he wanted to go to prison.
In 1980, 18-year-old Willie Ramirez was admitted to a Florida hospital in a comatose state. His family tried to describe his condition to those who treated him but they only spoke Spanish.
The wealthy of South China's Shenzhen city are hiring wet nurses to provide them with breast milk to drink as a health tonic, provoking outrage.
When you visit Hanafins Camera and Video at Westfield mall in Henderson you might notice something out of the ordinary.
"Hey Wellington domestic airport, what's up with the no toilet paper in the ladies loo!"
Using the measurements of an average 19-year-old woman, artist Nickolay Lamm has created a Barbie shaped like a real person.
A news graphic from a 3 News story about a dog named Bruno aired here nearly two years ago.