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Puzzling moniker
A reader writes: "I have noticed this car around Greenlane a few times." The reader's a little puzzled as to why you'd have such a moniker.

October 1: Brothel beating
The brothel isn't there yet - but advertisements proclaiming its arrival have already offended.

Playful vandalism
A playful vandalising of the campaign billboards of local council candidates Noelene Raffills and Chris Darby.

Yoda, headline writer he is
China has bought 5 per cent of the Ukraine's land to farm, as demand for food grows.

When situations don't improve
I was looking forward to the passing lane at the Brynderwyns, as I was stuck behind a logging truck, but then, lo and behold, another one pulls out and overtakes so no one can pass.

A little mayo with your wine?
A little mayo on the side? Spotted in a wine fridge at Fresh Choice Half Moon Bay.

One-sided garden supplies
The plant aisle at The Warehouse, Sylvia Park is a little one-sided ...

Planet at a bargain
I stumbled across a property in Auckland and decided to go to the open home and the auction, a reader writes.

House market more in tents
Should Hide and Seek be an Olympic sport? Yasuo Hazaki thinks so and is lobbying for it to be part of the Tokyo Olympics.

Forgive our environmental sin
A new app called Ghetto Tracker - a service that helps people identify safe areas in unfamiliar cities.

Right here - in Hamilton?
A Glasgow cafe has come under criticism for selling Breaking Bad crystal meth cupcakes.

Is he tired? Nah, just stuffed
A tale of two companies and a burst water pipe in mt Eden, writes Warwick.

How do you like your eggs?
Letter to Miss Manners, Washington Post, August 2013. "I am in my mid-50s, and one of my sisters is in her early 60s.

Fresh off a flight from NZ
Council officials in Newport City in Wales are trying to work out who planted cannabis plants in public flower pots in town.

Before and after trickery
Australian personal trainer and owner of MelVFitness shows how those before and after weight loss pictures are just a manipulation.

Health and safety at the beach
I bought one of those over-priced helium-filled remote-controlled shark balloons. It took about 3 hours to assemble.

Interior design by Labour
A restaurant at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art has added a 20-item selection of waters from around the world.

Driver of the week
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a man backing his car up a driveway and along the footpath.

Winding up the mentally ill
Always keen to impress an image of strength and prosperity upon his countrymen and the international media in general, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was photographed using a newly made smartphone at a factory.

Expensive onions
A loving husband triggered a massive police presence at a Cricket Store in southeast Houston.

Spell check needed
A reader vents: "Does anyone have a worse carpark than Lincoln North in Henderson?