Latest fromSideswipe

Living on cloud nine
"While looking through the Property Press I am always amused at how some real estate agents describe properties for sale," writes Robyn Thomas.

Hair in a bun? You betcha
"Seeing the photo of the letterbox covered in a plastic bag reminded me of this," writes Jude.

Legacy beyond music
Chris Thompson of Rothesay Bay volunteered to clear her neighbours' letterboxes when both were away.

Stepping up safety messages
The other day Gary Stewart spent 20 minutes waiting on the line for ACC. "They don't play music," he says.

Promo's tiny black market
New World's Little Shop promotion has created a "black market" on Trade Me, with the miniature grocery collectables costing more than the proper-sized edible products.

Faint praise from pilferers
We are travellers from Russia and we came to Hong Kong and we wanted to eat but we had to steal some food from the supermarket and we have stolen your yoghurt.

Something for a saucy BBQ
Christine Schofield was amused by this unusual chicken product on the billboard outside Delboy's Quality Meats in Howick.

Loo door sends bad message
I was putting air in my tyres at the Pt Chevalier Mobil station, when a young boy wearing glasses asked for a couple of dollars for a bus fare to his mate's in Kelston.

Berm mowing? Child's play!
The issue of berm mowing is reaching everyone. Seen on Glendhu Rd, Bayview, North Shore this week.

Message for Len
On Sunday around 6pm, Aarti Prasad of New Lynn was doing a bit of plane spotting at Auckland airport.

The thick of it
British electrician Helen Stevens got in her work van and drove to a job in another town, reaching speeds of 110km/h.

Nutty way to start the day
A wonderfully wry "Munted Trampoline" for sale on Trade Me ... Here's what you get.

A fraction too much friction
Why is it fine to make fun of the name Luigi Wewege but not Sheila Dikshit?

Power to move you
According to More Curious Questions by Max Cryer, the Mazda brand was founded by Mr Ju-jiro Matsuda.

A dog's ($200) breakfast
Terrence Nowlin from Virginia was surprised and quite impressed when he realised his dog Jack had chewed through about a third of one of his shoes.

Peeping Tom welcome
With all the recent news about spying in toilets, it's good to know there's one part of the country where being a Peeping Tom is positively encouraged.

Immortalised in icing
A reader found what can only be described as a Mark Sainsbury cupcake decorating kit.

How to oblige burglars
As an immigrant I decided that a raincoat in Auckland's inclement weather was an essential item.

A good hunt...
"The driver looked well pleased so had obviously had a good hunt, with two goats strapped to the back of his Subaru."