Latest fromSideswipe

Sideswipe: January 29: Lookalikes - Plunket and Shipley
Smooth sax icon Kenny G practically invented Starbucks' Frappuccino, apparently. An uncle introduced Kenny to founder Howard Schultz and he invested in the chain.

Sideswipe: Feeling bouncy?
A reader spotted this interesting addition to Port Ohope wharf this summer.

Sideswipe: January 23: Hidden chrysalises
My father-in-law suggested we send in a photo of the monarch butterfly chrysalises we have under our deck as he has been reading a lot in the Herald about the shortage of monarch butterflies.

Sideswipe: Hide the sausage
A cookbook from the 70s. Yahoo answers suggests the title alludes to a prank, but....well, I'm not so sure.

Sideswipe: Cruelty free at KFC
Buzzfeed asked readers to share weird accidents that resulted in an A&E visit ... here were some goodies.

Sideswipe: January 16: Cruisin' for confusion
"I get condoms alongside wine, but Tom Cruise videos beside bananas?" Spotted at Countdown in downtown Auckland, by Neil.

Sideswipe: Faces in things #2
Faces In Things NZ No2. “Jabba the Hutt on the beach at Matapaua Bay in the Coromandel,” writes Al Williams.

Sideswipe: Faces in things
"The Cornish Pumphouse in Waihi was looking particularly alarmed at something," writes Al Williams.

Sideswipe: Save the shade!
Threatened shade ... workers on the new St Lukes intersection sit under six pohutukawa trees under threat from Auckland Transport, which plans to cut down the 80-year old trees to widen Great North Rd.

Sideswipe: Mower au naturale
"Two sheep tied to a tree, working hard to keep Glen Innes' berms beautiful and tidy!" says Priscilla Bilby.

Sideswipe: All for a flat white
Brian couldn't believe the scene unfolding before his eyes at 9am on Sunday at Ellerslie town centre.

Sideswipe: Don't know Jack
The man named after the Tennessee whiskey has named his own son after a bourbon.

Showdown on walking frames
A collision between two women using walking frames earlier this month has resulted in a felony charge of intimidation and misdemeanour counts of assault and criminal mischief...

Atheists' Ten Commandments
A competition for atheists to rewrite the Ten Commandments has produced this list:

Reddit's Secret Santa
Bill Gates participated in the annual Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange and gifted the lucky recipient a replica Loki helmet from Marvel's Thor franchise.

Sideswipe: Poisonous antlers
A dangerous $2dollar shop purchase, war of carols and sexism at New World.

Sideswipe: Jesus with abs
Baby Jesus, prickly 'kiwi' and a daylight robbery/parking lesson in Auckland City.

Sideswipe: December 19: Cat Santa visit freak out
"This woman took her cats to a department store to visit Santa and, as you can see, it went quite well."

Sideswipe: Girls, don't overeat
Cook it, but don't eat it: There are plenty of Christmas stock photos reminding women not to overdo the eating this Christmas.

Sideswipe: Horns of a dilemma
"How the hell did they get up there?" thought the owner of this Prado, followed closely by "how the hell are they going to get down?"

Sideswipe: Pretty bollards?
Whangarei District Council property managers have ordered a repaint of six bollards outside a well known gallery in the Town Basin as they were....