Sideswipe: Necessary signage
Does no one at Spark know what the Camorra is? And is pear juice a cure for hangovers?
Does no one at Spark know what the Camorra is? And is pear juice a cure for hangovers?
An eye-watering speeding fine for Gary when he visited South Australia is a warning to others...
A last evergarage sale, window washers and a grown-up behaving badly.
Terrible Auckland footpaths and equally horrifying Wellington toilets...
A man with diseased blood fertilises his roses with it and strangers fed mother's hospital parking metre...
For a cosmetic to be lab bled 'natural' it only need to be 1% natural, not like these 100% natural lashes...
It seems there is a thriving cheap labour market in the advertising flyer distribution business.
A 69-year-old Californian man has been arrested for practising medicine without a licence at a fake cancer treatment office.
"One of my earlier jobs was an outbound sales role doing cold calls to residential homes," writes a reader.
L'Eggs pantyhose get caught in the web and creepy fashion puppets...
What does Siri say and milk distribution costs for across the road..
An aversion to the word moist and an old anti harassment in the workplace poster.
A crowd-funding page has popped up to bail Greece out and check out this incredible rollercoaster.
Dear Abby's legacy; a lightening fast wit and the early bus not a problem for lazy teen.